A Jersey boy turned New Yorker, Max Karp turned a degree in business and political science into a career as a highly sought-after endurance coach and personal trainer. He also helps people take their fitness routine to the next level with Litesport, a virtual reality fitness platform on the Meta Quest.

Max, you sound like you're constantly on the move, from your career to being a competitive athlete. Have you always been interested in fitness and competing in triathlons?

“Triathlon has seriously changed my life. Not only is it an outlet for my competitive nature and the desire to maximize my potential, but it’s also a driving force for staying disciplined. Triathlon keeps me humble — the training never gets easier but the journey of getting to (and crossing) a finish line is so rewarding. Oddly enough, my inspiration came from seeing a post about triathlon on social media. I was running a ton at the time but often getting injured and triathlon seemed like a better way to stay competitive in sport while staying healthy. I quickly bought a bike in the spring of 2019, started training, and raced my first sprint that summer — the rest is history!

You are such a champion at caring for yourself and finding outlets to keep yourself healthy while also tapping into your competitive nature. How do you inspire others, including your personal training clients, to care for themselves?

“Encouraging and inspiring others is an integral part of my life as a personal trainer and endurance coach. Helping people improve their overall well-being through fitness brings me so much joy and is the reason I’ve stayed in the fitness industry. I also pride myself on leading by example and sharing my triathlon experiences as much as possible. New York City isn’t a triathlon hotbed, but I share my love for the sport (and lifestyle) in hopes of inspiring others to give it a shot!”


“I’m a true fitness junkie but when not sweating you can likely find me in the kitchen, on the couch, or wedding planning! I’m recently engaged – getting married in May 2024 – and couldn’t be more excited.”


“I also love being pretty crafty! Drawing, painting, building — you name it. I don't put too much time into it these days, but I always keep a sketch pad at home in case I get a rush of creativity.”


“I’ve always loved peanut butter cookies. Maybe some ice cream too.”

Any crazy stories or moments that made you feel really (REALLY) alive?

“In August 2020 I was hit by a car while on a long bike ride and severely injured my shoulder. I had reconstructive surgery, only to contract MRSA and need two more surgeries to clean and repair the initial reconstruction. I can’t say this experience made me feel alive, but it definitely changed my perspective on what it means to be alive! Life is so short.”

What do you like to do in your off season?

“Lift, indulge, and relax! My career and fitness journey started in the gym, though the demands of triathlon training often means cutting down on strength training. So, in the offseason we lift! I also indulge more than usual — alcohol, eating out, etc. — and train a bit less. It’s a simple change to my routine, but it helps me find balance. I recharge the batteries which gets me excited to jump back into training.”


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