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HaRrY PotTer CoLleCtoR's SeT

Experience the magic of Harry Potter with new body washes inspired by classes at Hogwarts™.

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HaRrY PotTer CoLleCtoR's SeT

Experience the magic of Harry Potter with new body washes inspired by classes at Hogwarts™.

A coNcoCtioN of cLeaN in eVerY bOttlE

Turn your shower into an enchanting world of bubbling potions and magical scents with a limited edition set of body washes inspired by classes at Hogwarts™.


Wingardoum Leviosa

A charm that smells so good you could levitate. Just make sure you pronounce it correctly.

Smells Like

Citrus, Lavender, Fresh Rain

DefEnSe aGainsT tHe DarK artS

Forbidden Forest

Experience the Forbidden Forest, where the wizarding world’s most magical creatures dwell.

Smells Like

Black Pepper, Pine, Charcoal



A vibrant, earthy elixir that smells good enough to revive even the most petrified wizard.

Smells Like

Fresh Herbs, Rhubarb, Sage



Transform yourself into the best-smelling wizard in class.

Smells Like

Lemon, Jasmine, Ripe Berries

A cOncoCtion oF clEaN in eVerY BoTtlE

Return to a world of enchanting powers, bubbling potions, and endless possibilities with a limited edition set of body washes inspired by classes at Hogwarts™.